Renwick School Board of Trustees
Amy Murphy (Presiding Member)
Anthony Bowron (Parent Representative)
Richard Thompson (Parent Representative)
Lee Mason (Omaka Marae Representative)
Erina MacDonald (Te Pā Wānanga Whānau Representative)
Hamish Macdonald (Selected parent representative)
Michelle Spencer (Principal)
Corriena Price (Staff Representative)
Heather Johnson (Board Secretary)
Board of Trustee Information
- The board meets once a month on Wednesdays at 5pm
- Board meetings are held in public and are open to any interested party to attend. The provisions of Part 7 of the Local Government Official Information and Meeting Act 1987 apply.
- To contact the board, to find out about upcoming board meetings or for copies of board meeting minutes, or for general governance queries please contact board secretary Heather Johnson (