Michelle is Renwick School's Tumuaki / Principal
Kia Ora koutou
Being the Tumuaki of Renwick School is such a privilege and a role I treasure. Each morning as I walk through the school gate, I am grateful for the environment, the people who make the school look its best, and the supportive families who are there to lend a hand.
I am also extremely fortunate to be working alongside a very dedicated team of staff who strive to be the best for every student, students who work hard to be the best they can be, who share a smile and are enthused by the authentic learning they create and share.
As we set goals to focus on the things that will improve the education achievements for all, I am constantly reflecting on systems to ensure we are capturing effective evidence, not assumptions. To support this I constantly look to grow the capabilities of our teaching staff to be the best they can be, and oversee the investments we make to build consistency across the school.
In 2024 we look at introducing PB4L, positive behaviour for learning. We will look at behaviours and learning as a whole school. PB4L is based on international evidence and tailored to fit the school's environment and cultural needs. The programme is not about changing the student; it's about changing the environment, systems and practices you have in place to support them to make positive behaviour choices. We have a team of seven staff to ensure support for all. We will also see our school values: respect, resilience and resourcefulness be included in this work.
2024 has a lovely ring to it and I know we will see some amazing learning at Renwick School.
Nga mihi nui
Michelle Spencer
Tumuaki / Principal
Contact the Office
Mon - Fri 8:30am - 3:30pm
Leadership Team
We have an experienced, dedicated and talented staff who through modern, appropriate teaching strategies provide interesting and innovative learning experiences for our students. Our teaching staff is organised into five whānau groups, each managed by a team leader.
TE WHARE MANAAKI Student Support Hub
To provide excellence in education with active involvement from the community. With whanau and tamariki’s aspirations, we design deep learning experiences to make a difference.
Our values are:
Be the best you can be; respectful, resilient and resourceful.
Each class establishes what this means for them and those around them at school, at home and in the community and this then forms the basis for their room's learning and behaviour expectations and indeed that of the school.
The Give It A Go Rock
Our vision statement is reinforced in many ways throughout the school in the form of class awards, values awards and our Supreme Award - The Give it a Go Kid Rock which is presented fortnightly to a "Give it a Go" student who lives the values behind our vision statement. The Give it a Go Kid Rock (pictured on a plinth in the photo above), which originated from the local Wairau river, depicts the unique Renwick environment and represents the many twists and turns in the pathways of learning and life.